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Forest Bathing with Anisa - September

A gentle immersion in the infinite offerings of the natural world.

Forest Therapy, also known as “Shinrin-Yoku,” refers to the practice of spending time in forested areas for the purpose of enhancing health, happiness, and a sense of awe. The Japanese words translate into English as “Forest Bathing” and refers to bathing in the beneficial compounds which trees emit, such as oxygen and phytoncides. Though the city's Master Plan has caused us to lose much of the forest in the Meadows, there are still many beneficial trees to accompany us as we walk.

The proceeds will continue to go to Save the Meadows and the ongoing effort to preserve this wild space in our city. 

Here's the link:

August 6

Forest Bathing with Anisa - August

February 3

Neighborhood flyering: Packer Park